5 Ways to Balance Your Body, Mind + Heart

In this 18-page ebook, you’ll discover:

  • How to build the structure and foundation in your life for balance
  • Why paying attention to our pelvic bowl is the key to healing the physical, energetic and mental/emotional dimensions.
  • The opportunity to go a bit deeper into evaluating the health of your root and sacral chakra.
  • Overview of my methodology and some of the approaches that I have come to use with my clients to help them connect to the body’s innate wisdom in order to heal from chronic pain, exhaustion and trauma
Get My Free E-Book

Here’s what you’ll find inside

5 Ways to Balance Your Body, Mind + Heart

Learn the 5 ways you can come back into balance.

Why the Pelvic Bowl is the Key to Healing

Learn why the pelvis will tell you so much about yourself and how connecting to your pelvis holds the key.

Health of Root and Sacral Chakra

Use the worksheets to assess the state of your root and sacral chakras and learn more about how to balance.

My Methodology to Overcome Burnout & Chronic Pain

Apply the kosha model of yogic philosophy into your healing process.

Get My Free E-Book

You need this if:

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed, burnt out or suffering from chronic pain.
  • You've tried everything to feel good and vibrant and you're ready for a wholistic approach.
  • You feel disconnected on some level and ready to find balance.

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